Saturday, January 3, 2015

Journey of the Wise Men: Episode Ten

Here is where our story takes an unexpected turn. The wise men were soon to find that the way out of the Vale of Narthex into the broad expanse known as the Great Sanctuary was closed. There was no jar to save the day this time. There was just no way in. And so they looked for an alternate path in the mountain range to the east. This took much longer than they expected. Days turned into weeks and then into months. They passed from one valley to another, but all of them turned out to be dead ends. Worst of all was the plateau known as Pastor’s Desk, where they got completely lost for several months. The star was ever before them, giving them a clear idea of the direction they needed to go in the big picture, but it was little help in getting through the maze of small obstacles they found themselves in. 

Eventually they worked their way back into the Vale of Narthex where they found the pass into Great Sanctuary open. They made their way northward through the Pew Hills, past the cliffs of New Organ. This brought them very near their goal. They camped on Retable Upland for nearly a week and prepared for their final push.

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